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  • Kosciuszko huts in snow

    Coolamine Homestead, Kosciuszko National Park

  • Some astro photography

    Looking up through the trees

      Just for something different, who knows I may do more.  
  • Yass sunset
  • Poking about Jerrawa & Dalton NSW
    A few shots from a drive around Jerrawa and Dalton NSW

    Old farm, Jerrawa NSW

    Rail crossing, Jerrawa NSW

    Old store, Jerrawa NSW

    School of Arts Hall, Jerrawa NSW

    Dalton Hall, Dalton NSW

    Methodist/Uniting Church, Dalton NSW

    St. Matthew’s Anglican Church, Dalton NSW

    Horse statues, Dalton NSW

    Horse statues, Dalton NSW

  • Pulletop NSW

    “How long to the next train?” Old rail station, Pulletop, NSW.

    Rolling hills, Pulletop, NSW.

    Rolling hills, Pulletop, NSW.